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2023 新品上市 🎉 獨家代理 Glossy Pops !

Privacy Policy

Cools International Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "this website") wouldlike to explain to you its privacy protection policy in order to ensure yourpeace of mind while using the various services and information provided on thiswebsite. This policy is effective immediately, and we kindly ask you to readthe following contents:


1). Scope of PrivacyProtection Policy


The content of the privacy protection policy includes howthis website handles personal identifiable information collected when you usethe website's services. The privacy protection policy does not apply to otherwebsites linked to this website or personnel not commissioned or involved inthe management of this website.


2). Collection, Processing,and Use of Personal Data


    When you visit this website or use the functional servicesprovided by this website, we may request necessary personal information fromyou based on the nature of the service. We will process and use your personaldata within the scope of the specific purpose, and we will not use the personaldata for other purposes without your written consent.

    When you use interactive features such as service mailboxesand surveys on this website, we will retain the information you provide,including your name, email address, contact information, and usage time.

    During general browsing, the server will automatically recordrelevant actions, including your IP address, usage time, browser used,browsing, and click data records. This information is for internal use only andwill not be disclosed to the public.

    To provide accurate services, we may analyze and compilestatistical data from collected survey content. The statistical data orexplanatory text resulting from the analysis may be published as needed, but itwill not involve specific personal information.


3). Data Protection


Only authorized personnel can access your personal data. Incases where it is necessary to commission other units to provide services dueto business requirements, this website will strictly require them to complywith confidentiality obligations and conduct necessary inspection procedures toensure compliance.


4). Related Links toExternal Websites


The web pages of this website may provide links to otherwebsites, and you can also access other websites through the links provided onthis website. However, the privacy protection policy of this website does notapply to linked websites. You must refer to the privacy protection policy ofthe linked website.


5). Policy on SharingPersonal Data with Third Parties


This website will never provide, exchange, rent, or sell anyof your personal data to individuals, groups, private companies, or governmentagencies, except where there is a legal basis or contractual obligation.


The circumstances of the above provision include, but are notlimited to:

    Obtaining your written consent.

    Mandatory legal requirements.

    To avoid danger to your life, body, freedom, or property.

    Cooperating with government agencies or academic researchinstitutions for statistical or academic research based on public interest, andthe data has been processed or collected in a way that does not identifyspecific individuals.

    When your behavior on the website violates the terms ofservice, may harm or hinder the rights of the website and other users, or maycause harm to any individual, the website management unit may disclose yourpersonal data as necessary for identification, contact, or legal action.

    To benefit your interests.

    When this website commissions vendors to assist in thecollection, processing, or use of your personal data, appropriate supervisionand management responsibilities will be implemented.


6). Use of Cookies


In order to provide you with the best service, this websitewill place and

access cookies on your computer. If you do not wish to acceptcookies, you can set the privacy level to high in the browser's settings, whichwill reject the writing of cookies. However, this may result in certain websitefunctions not functioning properly.


7). Amendment of PrivacyProtection Policy


The privacy protection policy of this website may be revisedat any time according to needs. The revised terms will be published on thewebsite.


8). Access and Deletion ofData


    Members can view their authorized name and email data at anytime through their member account on the website. This information is solelyfor the purposes of store membership and order details.

    At the individual's request, the store can delete or stopusing the personal data by contacting us through the "Contact Us"channel located in the top right corner of the store's website.

    For related inquiries, please email: info@coolsint.com.